Robust Stochastic Neural Ensemble Learning With Noisy Labels for Thoracic Disease Classification.

Hongyu Wang, Jiang He,Hengfei Cui, Bo Yuan,Yong Xia

IEEE transactions on medical imaging(2024)

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Chest radiography is the most common radiology examination for thoracic disease diagnosis, such as pneumonia. A tremendous number of chest X-rays prompt data-driven deep learning models in constructing computer-aided diagnosis systems for thoracic diseases. However, in realistic radiology practice, a deep learning-based model often suffers from performance degradation when trained on data with noisy labels possibly caused by different types of annotation biases. To this end, we present a novel stochastic neural ensemble learning (SNEL) framework for robust thoracic disease diagnosis using chest X-rays. The core idea of our method is to learn from noisy labels by constructing model ensembles and designing noise-robust loss functions. Specifically, we propose a fast neural ensemble method that collects parameters simultaneously across model instances and along optimization trajectories. Moreover, we propose a loss function that both optimizes a robust measure and characterizes a diversity measure of ensembles. We evaluated our proposed SNEL method on three publicly available hospital-scale chest X-ray datasets. The experimental results indicate that our method outperforms competing methods and demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our method in learning from noisy labels. Our code is available at
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Key words
Thoracic diseases,image classification,deep learning,label noise,chest X-ray
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