Cross-Modal Prototype based Multimodal Federated Learning under Severely Missing Modality


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Multimodal federated learning (MFL) has emerged as a decentralized machine learning paradigm, allowing multiple clients with different modalities to collaborate on training a machine learning model across diverse data sources without sharing their private data. However, challenges, such as data heterogeneity and severely missing modalities, pose crucial hindrances to the robustness of MFL, significantly impacting the performance of global model. The absence of a modality introduces misalignment during the local training phase, stemming from zero-filling in the case of clients with missing modalities. Consequently, achieving robust generalization in global model becomes imperative, especially when dealing with clients that have incomplete data. In this paper, we propose Multimodal Federated Cross Prototype Learning (MFCPL), a novel approach for MFL under severely missing modalities by conducting the complete prototypes to provide diverse modality knowledge in modality-shared level with the cross-modal regularization and modality-specific level with cross-modal contrastive mechanism. Additionally, our approach introduces the cross-modal alignment to provide regularization for modality-specific features, thereby enhancing overall performance, particularly in scenarios involving severely missing modalities. Through extensive experiments on three multimodal datasets, we demonstrate the effectiveness of MFCPL in mitigating these challenges and improving the overall performance.
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