Deep learning assisted three triboelectric driving operation sensors for driver training and behavior monitoring


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Improving the driving skills of drivers, particularly during the training stage, is crucial in reducing the likelihood of road traffic accidents. In this work, a driver training assistance system (DTAS) is developed for driver training and behavior monitoring. The DTAS integrates three triboelectric driving operation sensors, including gear shift sensor, steering angle sensor, and pedal sensors. Through the ingenious structural design of contact-separation and freestanding-triboelectric-layer mode, these triboelectric sensors have the characteristics of simple structure, easy manufacture and installation, and self-powered, which avoids the complex wiring problem in the limited space of the vehicle. The basic electrical performance test of triboelectric sensors and driving simulation experiment show that the developed DTAS can monitor the driver behavior and provide the feedback on each driver's operation process in real-time. Combined with deep learning (DL) technology, the DTAS can identify whether the driving operation of drivers in specific training scenarios is correct or not, with an accuracy rate of 97.5%. This work is aimed at assisting the novice or learner drivers in driving training, which helps to improve their driving skills and form good driving habits. The proposed scheme can provide new ideas for the innovative exploration of driving training modes without coaching.
Triboelectric nanogenerator,Multiple triboelectric sensors,Driver training,Driver behavior monitoring,Deep learning
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