
Analytical study on the dielectric properties of tetrameric insulating oils based on biological substrates.

2023 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC)(2023)

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Insulating oil in the operation of the transformer to withstand the role of industrial frequency alternating current field for a long time, with a high frequency breakdown voltage of the insulating oil to ensure the effective insulation between the windings in the transformer. In addition, the frequency domain dielectric properties of the insulating oil can reflect the dielectric polarization, loss and other parameters, to determine the insulation strength of the oil. These dielectric properties of good and bad is to assess the electrical insulation ability of the oil is an important indicator, to determine whether the transformer can operate reliably. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out in-depth research and analysis on the dielectric properties of insulating oils and the influence mechanism. In this paper, we tested the IF breakdown voltage of tetraol ester insulating oil, by comparing the structure of the ester chain on the ionization energy and the energy gap of the influence of the law can be seen, through the branched chain acid regulation to reduce the pour point of the oil at the same time will not have an impact on the IF breakdown voltage, TEIO in the ester chain of the longer molecular structure is to limit the magnitude of the IF breakdown voltage of the main reason for the study of the IF breakdown number of the influence of the law of the dielectric parameters of the oil.
insulating oil,industrial frequency breakdown,molecular electrical properties,frequency domain dielectric properties
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