
Eadem Sed Aliter. Validating an Emergency Department Work Domain Analysis Across Three Hospital Configurations

Applied Ergonomics/Applied ergonomics(2024)

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Work Domain Analysis (WDA), the foundational phase in the Cognitive Work Analysis Framework (CWA), provides a platform for understanding and designing complex systems. Though it has been used extensively, there are few applications in healthcare, and model validation for different contexts is not always undertaken. The current study aimed to validate an Emergency Department (ED) WDA across three metropolitan hospitals that differ in the type and nature of services they provide, including the ED in which the original ED WDA was developed. A facilitated workshop was conducted at the first ED and interviews at two subsequent EDs to refine and validate the ED WDA. ED subject matter experts (SMEs) including nurses, doctors, administration, and allied health personnel provided feedback on the model. SME feedback resulted in modifications to the original ED WDA model including combining nodes to reduce duplication and amending five labels for clarity. The resulting WDA provides a valid representation of the EDs found in metropolitan districts within an Australian state and can be used by roles such as frontline ED clinicians, hospital managers, and policy developers to facilitate the design, testing, and sharing of solutions to local and shared problems. The findings also demonstrate the importance of validating WDA models across different contexts.
Complex systems,Adaptation,Sociotechnical systems,Systems tools,Resilience engineering,Constraints
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