Constraining equations of state for massive neutron star within relativistic mean field models

The European Physical Journal A(2024)

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In the present work, we constrain the equations of the state of asymmetric dense matter in consideration of the heaviest observed neutron star mass M _max = 2.35± 0.17 M _⊙ for the black widow pulsar PSR J0952-0607, finite and bulk nuclear properties. We propose four interactions for the relativistic mean field model which include different combinations of non-linear, self, and cross-couplings among isoscalar–scalar σ , isoscalar–vector ω , isovector–vector ρ and isovector–scalar meson δ meson fields up to the quartic order. These interactions harmonize with the finite nuclei and bulk nuclear matter properties. It is observed that interactions obtained with the inclusion of δ meson coupling with nucleons have a significant effect on the slope of symmetry energy (L), radius (R _1.4), and dimensionless tidal deformability ( _1.4) corresponding to a canonical mass neutron star. The radius of 2.08M_⊙ neutron star mass is predicted to be in the range R_2.08 = 12.98–13.34 km which also satisfies the NICER observations Miller et al. (Astrophys. J. Lett. 918, L28 (2021).
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