
Simulation of Vacuum Chamber Pressure Distribution with Surrogate Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification

AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum(2024)

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A major challenge in understanding differences in electric propulsion performance in ground tests and in space operations concerns the pressure distribution within the test vacuum chamber. The chamber backpressure is much higher than experienced in space, modifying thruster performance and plume dynamics. Numerical simulation is a key element in determining the background conditions in non-ideal vacuum chamber environments. An important parameter for the accurate simulation of chamber backpressure is the probability that an atom will stick to a cryogenic panel used to pump away the plume gases. This quantity can be used to model vacuum pumps in particle-based kinetic numerical methods. In this work, a three-dimensional direct simulation Monte Carlo code is used to model neutral xenon atoms flowing from the anode of the H9 Hall Effect Thruster within the University of Michigan's Large Vacuum Test Facility. Simulated pressures are compared with ion gauge pressure measurements to infer the effective sticking coefficient of the chamber's vacuum pumps. A pressure predicting surrogate model is developed for inference of pump sticking coefficients and for uncertainty quantification. This information enables accurate and useful kinetic simulations of electric propulsion thruster plasma plumes in vacuum chambers.
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