
Teleoperation Method For Controlling Robotic Arm Based On Multi-channel EMG Signals

2023 38th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC)(2023)

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Human-in-the-loop teleoperation is the mainstream technical approach of robotic arm control at this stage, and has great research significance and application value. The teleoperation is often affected by the time delay, which leads to the destabilization of the control, and how to reduce the time delay is an urgent problem in teleoperation. To address the time delay problem of teleoperation, this paper proposes a teleoperation method based on multi-channel electromyography (EMG) signals to control the robotic arm by using the advanced characteristic of bioelectric information decision-making compared with traditional behavioral decision-making, which effectively shortens the path of information transmission and reduces the impact of time delay on teleoperation. By collecting the contraction or diastole EMG signals of multi-channel human muscles, the robot arm is conditioned and controlled, and it can freely define different operations of the robot arm in different muscle states of different channels, such as the opening and closing of mechanical claws and the twisting of different nodes of multiple robot arms. Compared with the traditional control methods, it is more in line with human intuition and further reduces the time delay, which has some innovative and application value in the field of human-computer interaction.
EMG Signal,Robotic arm,Teleoperation,Human-computer interaction
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