
Partial Nitrification-Denitrification and Enrichment of Paracoccus Induced by Iron-Chitosan Beads Addition in an Intermittently-Aerated Activated Sludge System

Journal of environmental management(2024)

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Insufficient carbon source has become the main limiting factor for efficient nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment. In this study, an intermittently-aerated activated sludge system with iron-chitosan (Fe-CS) beads addition was proposed for nitrogen removal from low C/N wastewater. By adding Fe-CS beads, partial nitrification-denitrification (PND) process and significant enrichment of Paracoccus (with ability of iron reduction/ammonium oxidation/aerobic denitrification) were observed in the reactor. The accumulation rate of NO2−-N reached 81.9 %, and the total nitrogen removal efficiency was improved to 93.9 % by shortening the aeration time. The higher activity of ammonium oxidizing bacteria and inhibited activity of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in Fe-CS assisted system mediated the occurrence of PND. In contrast, the traditional nitrification and denitrification process occurred in the control group. The high-throughput sequencing analysis and metagenomic results confirmed that the addition of Fe-CS induced 77.8 % and 54.9 % enrichment of Paracoccus in sludge and Fe-CS beads, respectively, while almost no enrichment was observed in control group. Furthermore, with the addition of Fe-CS beads, the expression of genes related to outer membrane porin, cytochrome c, and TCA was strengthened, thereby enhancing the electron transport of Fe(Ⅱ) (electron donor) and Fe(Ⅲ) (electron acceptor) with pollutants in the periplasm. This study provides new insights into the direct enrichment of iron-reducing bacteria and its PND performance induced by the Fe-CS bead addition. It therefore offers an appealing strategy for low C/N wastewater treatment.
Paracoccus,Partial nitrification-denitrification,Low C/N ratio,Iron-reducing bacteria,Electron transfer,Fe-CS beads
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