Learning Properties of Quantum States Without the I.I.D. Assumption


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We develop a framework for learning properties of quantum states beyond the assumption of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) input states. We prove that, given any learning problem (under reasonable assumptions), an algorithm designed for i.i.d. input states can be adapted to handle input states of any nature, albeit at the expense of a polynomial increase in copy complexity. Furthermore, we establish that algorithms which perform non-adaptive incoherent measurements can be extended to encompass non-i.i.d. input states while maintaining comparable error probabilities. This allows us, among others applications, to generalize the classical shadows of Huang, Kueng, and Preskill to the non-i.i.d. setting at the cost of a small loss in efficiency. Additionally, we can efficiently verify any pure state using Clifford measurements, in a way that is independent of the ideal state. Our main techniques are based on de Finetti-style theorems supported by tools from information theory. In particular, we prove a new randomized local de Finetti theorem that can be of independent interest.
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