The Role of Surgeonsʼ Colposcopic Experience in Obtaining Adequate Samples by Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone in Women of Reproductive Age

Geburtshilfe Und Frauenheilkunde(2016)

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Introduction: There is insufficient reporting on the level of colposcopic training for the safe use of large loop excision of the transformation zone. The aim of this study was to perform a quality assessment of large loop excision of the transformation zone in women of reproductive age by evaluating the surgeonsʼ colposcopic experience. Materials and Methods: A retrospective cohort study was performed on diagnostic or therapeutic large loop excision of the transformation zone. The following variables were analyzed: age, parity, indications for surgery, level of surgeonʼs colposcopic experience, definitive histological diagnosis, margin involvement, and the presence and type of artifacts interfering with the pathological interpretation. Patients were divided into three groups: group A – 75 patients treated by junior colposcopists; group B – 74 patients treated by experienced colposcopists, and group C – 117 patients treated by expert colposcopists. Results: Regarding the presence and diagnostic significance of the artifacts the groups were significantly different. Inadequate samples were the least frequent in group C. Artifacts precluding histological diagnosis were the most common in group A. The margins were predominantly inconclusive in group A. Conclusions: A high rate of artifacts is a disadvantage of the large loop excision of the transformation zone performed by surgeons less skilled for colposcopy. Although large loop excision of the transformation zone is considered to be a minor surgery, skills in colposcopy are an essential prerequisite for optimal results.
surgeonsʼ colposcopic experience,reproductive age,transformation zone
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