Symbiotic Use of Digital Twin, Simulation and Design Thinking Approach for Resilient Enterprise.

Souvik Barat,Sylvan Lobo, Reshma Korabu, Himabindu Thogaru,Ravi Mahamuni

Winter Simulation Conference(2023)

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Enterprises are increasingly facing the need to be resilient in the face of uncertainty and dynamism. Simulatable digital twins have become critical aids for analyzing and adapting complex systems. Design thinking and service design methodologies, in contrast, are gaining momentum for ideation, subjective evaluation, and innovation. A systematic application of these methodologies to explore innovative ideas and a faithful virtual environment to test and fine-tune those ideas without impacting real systems could be transformational. This paper presents an approach that establishes a symbiotic relationship between these two approaches to introduce precision and innovativeness to make enterprises resilient. We describe the key characteristics of resilient enterprises, present our approach, and illustrate its effectiveness with a case study focusing on a transformation toward a new normal to address the Covid-19 pandemic induced disruptions in the IT industry.
Symbiotic,Computer Simulations,Digital Twin,Design Thinking,Use Of Digital Twins,Service Design,Information Technology Industry,Iterative Process,Conceptual Model,Original Research,Qualitative Assessment,Working From Home,Key Performance Indicators,Uncertain Environment,Vulnerability Assessment,Conventional Design,Secondary Research,Employee Satisfaction,Wicked Problems,Tangible Aspects,Intangible Aspects,Virtual Representation,IT Companies,Touchpoints,Internal Stakeholders,Environmental Disruption,Service Concept,Recovery Ability,Coffee Machine
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