
[Implementing systematically: To what extent can implementation science make an educational contribution to health care practice?]

Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen(2024)

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BACKGROUND:Implementation science is currently struggling with the challenge to translate its findings into implementation practice in health care. Therefore, it is of interest to explore to what extent advanced trainings are relevant for health care practice to support knowledge circulation, and what needs to be considered in their design. DESIGN OF EDUCATIONAL INITIATIVES AND TRAINING:Internationally, numerous initiatives have emerged in recent years to make implementation science more accessible to health care implementers. They focus, in particular, on the development of curricula for actors in health care practice and the widespread implementation of these qualification programs. In German-speaking countries, the interest in health services research is particularly evident at the level of Master's degree programs to make implementation science accessible to health care. However, these efforts need to be complemented by a participatory, needs-oriented and theory-based approach to advanced training for implementers in health care practice. This will enable the required competencies to be addressed on different levels of training and the further development of training formats. DISCUSSION:Recent literature shows that implementers in German-speaking countries can benefit from a training program tailored to their needs. International experience in the field of advanced training in implementation science for health care practice allows us to derive essential components for the development of advanced training for the German-speaking region.
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