
Efficient Physically-based Simulation of Soft Bodies in Embodied Environment for Surgical Robot


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Surgical robot simulation platform plays a crucial role in enhancing training efficiency and advancing research on robot learning. Much effort have been made by scholars on developing open-sourced surgical robot simulators to facilitate research. We also developed SurRoL formerly, an open-source, da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK) compatible and interactive embodied environment for robot learning. Despite its advancements, the simulation of soft bodies still remained a major challenge within the open-source platforms available for surgical robotics. To this end, we develop an interactive physically based soft body simulation framework and integrate it to SurRoL. Specifically, we utilized a high-performance adaptation of the Material Point Method (MPM) along with the Neo-Hookean model to represent the deformable tissue. Lagrangian particles are used to track the motion and deformation of the soft body throughout the simulation and Eulerian grids are leveraged to discretize space and facilitate the calculation of forces, velocities, and other physical quantities. We also employed an efficient collision detection and handling strategy to simulate the interaction between soft body and rigid tool of the surgical robot. By employing the Taichi programming language, our implementation harnesses parallel computing to boost simulation speed. Experimental results show that our platform is able to simulate soft bodies efficiently with strong physical interpretability and plausible visual effects. These new features in SurRoL enable the efficient simulation of surgical tasks involving soft tissue manipulation and pave the path for further investigation of surgical robot learning. The code will be released in a new branch of SurRoL github repo.
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