Dual-Epigenetically Relieving the MYC-Correlated Immunosuppression via an Advanced Nano-Radiosensitizer Potentiates Cancer Immuno-Radiotherapy


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Cancer cells can upregulate the MYC expression to repair the radiotherapy-triggered DNA damage, aggravating therapeutic resistance and tumor immunosuppression. Epigenetic treatment targeting the MYC-transcriptional abnormality may intensively solve this clinical problem. Herein, 5-Aza (a DNA methyltransferase inhibitor) and ITF-2357 (a histone deacetylase inhibitor) are engineered into a tungsten-based nano-radiosensitizer (PWAI), to suppress MYC rising and awaken robust radiotherapeutic antitumor immunity. Individual 5-Aza depletes MYC expression but cannot efficiently awaken radiotherapeutic immunity. This drawback can be overcome by the addition of ITF-2357, which triggers cancer cellular type I interferon (IFN-I) signaling. Coupling 5-Aza with ITF-2357 ensures that PWAI does not evoke the treated model with high MYC-related immune resistance while amplifying the radiotherapeutic tumor killing, and more importantly promotes the generation of IFN-I signal-related proteins involving IFN-alpha and IFN-beta. Unlike the radiation treatment alone, PWAI-triggered immuno-radiotherapy remarkably enhances antitumor immune responses involving the tumor antigen presentation by dendritic cells, and improves intratumoral recruitment of cytotoxic T lymphocytes and their memory-phenotype formation in 4T1 tumor-bearing mice. Downgrading the radiotherapy-induced MYC overexpression via the dual-epigenetic reprogramming strategy may elicit a robust immuno-radiotherapy. Radiotherapy causes patients severe MYC-mediated immune tolerance. To address this clinical issue, a high-Z metal-phenolic nanoradiosensitizer is engineered to dual-epigenetically downregulate MYC expression and trigger cancer cellular IFN-I signaling. This tactic significantly enhances the proliferation, intratumoral infiltration, and cytotoxicity of CD8+ T cells but decreases the levels of immune suppressors. image
cancer immuno-radiotherapy,epigenetic reprogramming,metal-phenolic networks,MYC,radiosensitizer
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