Unmarried status effect on stage at presentation and treatment patterns in primary urethral carcinoma patients

Urologic oncology(2024)

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Background Unmarried status has been associated with advanced stage at presentation and lower treatment dose intensification rates in several urological and non-urological malignancies. However, no previous investigators focused of the association of unmarried status with locally advanced stage (T3-4N0-2) at presentation and lower bi-/trimodal therapy rates in primary urethral carcinoma (PUC) patients. To address these knowledge gaps, we relied on the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database. Methods Within the SEER database 2000 to 2020, all non-metastatic PUC patients were identified. Logistic regression models (LRMs) tested for differences in stage at presentation and treatment modality in the overall cohort and then in a sex-specific fashion, according to marital status (married vs unmarried). Results Of all 1,430 non-metastatic PUC patients, 1,004 (70%) were male vs 426 (30%) were female. Of 1,004 male PUC patients, 272 (27%) were unmarried. Of all 426 female PUC patients, 239 (56%) were unmarried. In multivariable LRMs predicting T3-4N0-2, unmarried status was independently associated with an increased risk of locally advanced stage at presentation in the overall cohort (odds ratio [OR]:1.31; P = 0.03) and in female patients (OR:1.62; P = 0.02), but not in male PUC patients (P = 0.6). In multivariable LRMs predicting bi-/trimodal therapy, unmarried status was an independent predictor of lower bi-/trimodal therapy rates in the overall cohort (OR:0.73; P = 0.02) and in male patients (OR:0.60; P = 0.007), but not in female PUC patients (P = 0.6). Conclusions Unmarried female PUC patients more likely harbored locally advanced stage at presentation. Conversely, unmarried male PUC patients are less likely to benefit from bi-/trimodal therapy.
SEER program,Primary urethral carcinoma,Marital status, Unmarried status, Treatment patterns,Sex-specific analysis
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