
Towards a holistic magnetic braking model – II: explaining several long-term internal- and surface-spin properties of solar-like stars and the Sun


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We extend our model of magnetic braking (MB) from fully convective M-dwarfs (FCMDs) to explain the surface and internal spin P_spin evolution of partly convective dwarfs (PCDs) starting from disc-dispersal stage to main-sequence turnoff. In our model, the spin of the core is governed by shear at the core-envelope boundary while the spin of the envelope is governed by MB and shear. We show that (1) the most massive FCMDs experience a stronger spin-down than PCDs and less massive FCMDs; (2) the stalled spin-down and enhanced activity of K-dwarfs and the pileup of G-dwarfs older than a few Gyr are stellar-structure- and MB-dependent, and weakly dependent on core-envelope coupling effects; (3) our empirical expression of the core-envelope convergence time-scale τ_converge(M_∗, P_spin) between a few 10 to 100 Myr is strongly dependent on stellar structure and weakly dependent on MB strength and shear, where fast and massive rotators achieve corotation earlier; (4) our estimates of the surface magnetic fields are in general agreement with observations and our wind mass loss evolution explains the weak winds from the solar analog π^1 UMa; (5) the massive young Sun theory as a solution to the faint young Sun problem, which states that the early Sun was sufficiently more massive to maintain liquid water on Earth when the Sun's luminosity would have been about 30 percent lower, can likely be ruled out because the maximum mass lost by winds from our Sun with our model is about 0.001M_⊙, an order of magnitude smaller than required to solve the problem with this theory.
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