Real-Time Marker-Based Monocular Autonomous Docking in Semi-Unstructured Indoor Environments.

Sebastian Chinchilla, Takumi Saito, Ryosuke Oikawa, Tomoaki Yamada, Naoto Toshiki, Satsuki Yamane,Jose Salazar,Ankit A. Ravankar,Yasuhisa Hirata

2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII)(2024)

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Environmental changes can severely disrupt the docking sections of transportation systems in factories. Such disruptions not only halt the production line but also necessitate human intervention for loading and unloading, posing safety risks. To address this, we introduce an autonomous docking system designed for resilience in semi-unstructured environments, especially when faced with varying light conditions and physical alterations. Our solution involves an advanced ArUco marker system. By integrating the yaw orientation of the marker with angular velocity data from an inertial measurement unit, we achieve a homogeneous matrix reconstruction. This enhanced marker data then guides a reference trajectory for docking, controlled by a PI Pure Pursuit mechanism. To further improve marker recognition, we have incorporated reflective and anti-reflective materials and modulated the marker's white margin. Our test results indicate a significant improvement in the detection range of a 21cm marker expanded from 60cm to 2m. Moreover, our system ensures a docking precision of $\pm 31\text{mm}$ and $\pm 1.82^{\circ}$ .
Monocular,Autonomous Docking,Light Conditions,Autonomic System,Angular Velocity,Inertial Measurement Unit,Loading And Unloading,Homogeneous Matrix,Varying Lighting Conditions,Accurate Measurement,Power Calculation,Reference Frame,Transformation Matrix,Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,Motion Capture,Position Measurements,Constant Change,Recognition Rate,Raw Measurements,Yaw Angle,Extended Kalman Filter,Robot Operating System,Ideal Trajectory,Fiducial Markers,Destination Point,Lidar System,Homogeneous Transformation,Orientation Of The Robot,Web Camera
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