Identification of a motif in TPX2 that regulates spindle architecture in Xenopus egg extracts.

Guadalupe E Pena, Xiao Zhou, Lauren Slevin,Christopher Brownlee,Rebecca Heald

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology(2024)

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A bipolar spindle composed of microtubules and many associated proteins functions to segregate chromosomes during cell division in all eukaryotes, yet spindle size and architecture varies dramatically across different species and cell types. Targeting protein for Xklp2 (TPX2) is one candidate factor for modulating spindle microtubule organization through its roles in branching microtubule nucleation, activation of the mitotic kinase Aurora A, and association with the kinesin-5 (Eg5) motor. Here we identify a conserved nuclear localization sequence (NLS) motif, 123 KKLK 126 in X. laevis TPX2, which regulates astral microtubule formation and spindle pole morphology in Xenopus egg extracts. Addition of recombinant TPX2 with this sequence mutated to AALA dramatically increased spontaneous formation of microtubule asters and recruitment of phosphorylated Aurora A, pericentrin, and Eg5 to meiotic spindle poles. We propose that TPX2 is a linchpin spindle assembly factor whose regulation contributes to the recruitment and activation of multiple microtubule polymerizing and organizing proteins, generating distinct spindle architectures.
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