Fast entangling quantum gates with almost-resonant modulated driving

Xiayang Fan,Xin Wang,Yuan Sun


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Recently, the method of off-resonant modulated driving (ORMD) with a special category of synthetic analytical pulses has improved the experimental performance of two- and multi-qubit gates and aroused many interests for further investigations. It particularly offers a helpful tool to the cold atom qubit platform and works well with the Rydberg dipole-dipole interaction. In order to explore more possibilities and wider ranges of options in constructing fast-speed and high-fidelity quantum logic gates, we design and analyze the entangling quantum gates via the almost-resonant modulated driving (ARMD) method. Apart from the apparent distinctions in resonance conditions, the ARMD gate protocols also have its different mechanisms in quantum physics compared with ORMD gate protocols. ARMD gates usually have abrupt phase changes and at certain points during the time evolution. In other words, whilst the modulation forms the key concept of high-fidelity Rydberg blockade gates, the on-off resonance condition can lead to nontrivial nuances in the styles of dynamics. From a more fundamental point of view, the ORMD and the ARMD methods all together belong to the unitary operation family of fast modulated driving with respect to precisely characterized inter-qubit interactions, which usually allows the quantum logic gate to concludes within one continuous pulse.
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