Neural Rearrangement Planning for Object Retrieval from Confined Spaces Perceivable by Robot's In-hand RGB-D Sensor


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Rearrangement planning for object retrieval tasks from confined spaces is a challenging problem, primarily due to the lack of open space for robot motion and limited perception. Several traditional methods exist to solve object retrieval tasks, but they require overhead cameras for perception and a time-consuming exhaustive search to find a solution and often make unrealistic assumptions, such as having identical, simple geometry objects in the environment. This paper presents a neural object retrieval framework that efficiently performs rearrangement planning of unknown, arbitrary objects in confined spaces to retrieve the desired object using a given robot grasp. Our method actively senses the environment with the robot's in-hand camera. It then selects and relocates the non-target objects such that they do not block the robot path homotopy to the target object, thus also aiding an underlying path planner in quickly finding robot motion sequences. Furthermore, we demonstrate our framework in challenging scenarios, including real-world cabinet-like environments with arbitrary household objects. The results show that our framework achieves the best performance among all presented methods and is, on average, two orders of magnitude computationally faster than the best-performing baselines.
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