
Elucidating the Reversible and Irreversible Self-Assembly Mechanisms of Low-Complexity Aromatic-Rich Kinked Peptides and Steric Zipper Peptides.


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Many RNA-binding proteins such as fused-in sarcoma (FUS) can self-assemble into reversible liquid droplets and fibrils through the self-association of their low-complexity (LC) domains. Recent experiments have revealed that SYG-rich segments in the FUS LC domains play critical roles in the reversible self-assembly behaviors of FUS. These FUS LC segments alone can self-assemble into reversible kinked fibrils, which are markedly different from the canonical irreversible steric zipper beta-sheet fibrils. However, the molecular determinants underlying the reversible and irreversible self-assembly are poorly understood. Herein we conducted extensive all-atom and coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations of four representative hexapeptides: two low-complexity aromatic-rich kinked peptides from the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-related FUS protein, FUS37-42 (SYSGYS) and FUS54-59 (SYSSYG); and two steric zipper peptides from Alzheimer's-associated A beta and Tau proteins, A beta 16-21 (KLVFFA) and Tau306-311 (VQIVYK). We dissected their reversible and irreversible self-assembly dynamics, predicted their phase separation behaviors, and elucidated the underpinning molecular interactions. Our simulations showed that alternating stickers (Tyr) and spacers (Gly and Ser) in FUS37-42 and FUS54-59 facilitate the formation of highly dynamic coil-rich oligomers and lead to reversible self-assembly, while consecutive hydrophobic residues of LVFF in A beta 16-21 and IVY in Tau306-311 act as hydrophobic patches, favoring the formation of stable beta-sheet-rich oligomers and driving the irreversible self-assembly. Intriguingly, we found that FUS37-42 and FUS54-59 peptides, possessing the same amino acid composition and the same number of sticker and spacer residues, display differential self-assembly propensities. This finding suggests that the self-assembly behaviors of FUS peptides are fine-tuned by the site-specific patterning of spacer residues (Ser and Gly). This study provides significant mechanistic insights into reversible and irreversible peptide self-assembly, which would be helpful for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the formation of biological liquid condensates and pathological solid amyloid fibrils. Alternating stickers (Tyr) and spacers (Gly/Ser) drive the reversible assembly of LARKS peptides into highly dynamical oligomers, while hydrophobic patches in the steric zipper peptides promote the irreversible formation of beta-sheet-rich assemblies.
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