Research of Educational Robot Application Scenarios Based on Learning System Elements

XinMei Kong,Haiguang Fang, Xin Hong, Lili Shu

2023 3rd International Conference on Educational Technology (ICET)(2023)

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Educational robots, whether they are physical service robots or virtual intelligent robots, are excellent examples of how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be applied to educational scenarios. AI education that aims to foster comprehensive intelligence must focus on the practical application of educational robots and how they are designed and operated. This study has developed a system architecture for educational robots that includes three layers: the foundation support layer, the technology support layer, and the application scenario layer. The application of educational robots is emphasized in various settings such as individuals, families, schools, and society. Furthermore, the study proposes a framework for analyzing the application scenarios of educational robots. To validate the findings of the study, an educational robot was utilized to teach English in a junior high school classroom under the supervision of a qualified teacher.
educational robots,application scenarios,system elements,artificial intelligence education
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