A Verifiable Secure Multi-party Computation Scheme Based on Zero-Knowledge Proof for Energy Trading

Jinsong Hou,Cong Hu, Zhen Yao, Suman Liu,Shuai Yuan,Zhitao Guan

2023 International Conference on Intelligent Communication and Networking (ICN)(2023)

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Driven by the wide adoption of distributed renewable energy sources (RES), peer-to-peer (P2P) regional energy trading models have emerged as a major service offering, where prosumers can participate directly in local transactions. However, this distributed approach may result in privacy risks since the malicious users might manipulate the user data to compromise the integrity of the entire trading market. In this study, we introduce a verifiable secure multi-party computation scheme for P2P regional energy trading. This scheme facilitates the market pricing and clearing process in a distributed computing context without a third-party authority. Furthermore, we develop a multi-party zero-knowledge proof algorithm by leveraging the multi-party computation paradigm. This algorithm ensures the integrity of trading computations by guaranteeing the correctness of both data and computational process. We conduct experiments to evaluate the performance of our scheme in terms of proof generation and validation time by varying the number of participants. The results highlight the feasibility of our scheme for real-world applications, while preserving the privacy and integrity of energy trading computations.
P2P energy trading,secure multi-party computation,zero-knowledge proof,privacy,verifiability
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