
Research on Fine-grained Access Control Technology for Energy Data Based on Blockchain

Yin Liang,Jianbin Li,Shike Li

2023 International Conference on Intelligent Communication and Networking (ICN)(2023)

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In data-sharing scenarios in the energy sector, it is essential to establish a sound and reliable access control mechanism to protect energy resources and make informed decisions. However, traditional access control has flaws such as centralization, low transparency, and low flexibility, making it challenging to meet the current security needs of energy data sharing. In addition, due to the distributed, dynamic, and sensitive nature of energy data, it is necessary to ensure its security and auditability. To solve the above problems, this paper proposes an auditable access control model for energy data based on blockchain. The model adopts the attribute-based access control (ABAC) authorization model, which uses attributes as the adjudication element to build access control policies while adding data and user hierarchy attributes to improve adjudication efficiency and meet the need for fine-grained authorization. Based on this authorization model, blockchain technology ensures the data-sharing process is decentralized and transparent. The access control process is automated through four types of smart contracts, and the traceability of blockchain is used to store the access control operation records to monitor the illegal behavior of data requesters. The experimental results show that the model can control the access rights of data requesters with different attributes and ensure the security and controllability of data.
Blockchain,Attribute-based Access Control,Fine-grained Authorization,EnergyData,Data Sharing
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