Cost-Effective Approach for Data Integration on Tire Stacking Machine Through Real-Time Industrial Machine Monitoring System

Enny Indasyah, Muhammad Ali Yafi, Rachmad Abdhael Ghofoer, Andi Frisiawan,Fivitria Istiqomah

2023 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture and Industrial Automation (ICAMIMIA)(2023)

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The utilization of real-time industrial machinery condition monitoring systems has emerged as an important component in improving operational efficiency, reliability, and equipment life. In specific industrial sectors, manual methods of data storage and retrieval are still used, leading to inefficiencies in data presentation. Widespread problems in these industries arise due to the absence of real-time data access. This research centers on a cost-effective approach to designing and implementing a real-time monitoring system for tire stacking machines. This paper introduces a real-time monitoring system on a tire stacking machine using Node-RED, equipped with integrated storage of stacking data, machine breakdown information, and process cycle time in a web dashboard powered by Grafana. The system can be accessed locally or via an industrial intranet network.
Tire Stacking Machine,Real-Time Monitoring Systems,Node-RED,Grafana,Cost-Effective Solutions,Open-Source Technologies,Industrial Internet of Things
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