AI-controlled training method for performance hardening or injury recovery in sports

2024 IEEE 22nd World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI)(2024)

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In the contemporary sports science domain, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a pivotal tool, driving breakthroughs in athlete training and rehabilitation. Personalized training schedules, sculpted through AI algorithms, promise optimized performance and reduced injury likelihood. Wearable technologies, combined with AI-boosted functionalities, offer invaluable real-time physiological data, facilitating immediate training modifications or/and adjustments. The utilization of AI in biomechanical feedback has been groundbreaking, particularly in technique enhancement through meticulous gait analysis. The cognitive training tools are honing athletes’ decision-making and reflexes, attributes crucial in competitive scenarios. The psychological well-being of athletes is also catered to, with AI discerning early indicators of emotional strain. Furthermore, post-competition reviews have been enriched with AI-enabled video analytics, delivering nuanced insights for strategic refinements. The goal of this study was to provide an AI-assisted solution to identify problems in recovery exercises or to boost the athletes’ performance.
Recovery control,anomaly detection,ML,DL,CNN,sport performance monitoring,sports safety
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