
Outcome of Multi Drug Resistant(mdr)tb Patients on Shorter MDR TB Regimen


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Objective: Drug resistant TB has been achallenging issue owing to its morbidity as well as length of treatment, lately with the advent of lab techniques like CBNAAT(Cartridge based Nucleic acid amplification test)&LPA(Line Probe Assay)and availability of regimens with duration of 9-11months in contrast to previous lengthy regimens things have become better. Present study was undertaken to study microbiological conversion and adverse effect profile of shorter regimen Methods: Study was conducted over 1year(Aug2020-21) at K G Medical University, Lucknow, India. 53 Patients(M:F=1:2)above 10years of age with confirmed Rifampicin resistance as per CBNAAT were enrolled and followed. They were put on regimen comprising of Kanamycin, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol, Ethionamide, Clofazimine, Moxifloxacin and high dose isoniazid and were followed up with LPA, smear AFB and culture report. Results: Out of 53subjects,17patients(32%)regimen had to be switched to all oral longer MDR TB regimen because of the additional resistance in their LPA report.36 patients(68%) were continued on the shorter regimen, of these ,5patients expired whereas 2were lost to follow up atend of intensive phase(IP) ,27patients turned smear negative at end of IP,2 patients remained positive so IP was extended for them.27patients who turned negative at end of IP were switched to continuation phase(CP).4 patients expired CP whereas 23(43%)became culture negative. Nausea and vomiting(60%)was the most common adverse event followed by diminution in hearing(45%) Conclusion: Resistant TB patients needs to be addressed at the earliest so turn around time of investigations has a crucial role in deciding the regimen as it might be the last resort in majority of cases.
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