Agaves as a symbol of the Giennese cultural landscape: An analysis from photographic art, sociology and human ecology

Francisco Guerrero, Victor Cid-Gaitan, Javier Jurado-Pardeiro,Juan Diego Gilbert,Fernando Ortega, Nayla Fuster


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In this work, agaves (Agave L. genus) are shown as elements of the Andalusian and Jaen landscape. The use of photography as an interpretive methodology for the study of the landscape has allowed corroborating its assiduous presence in the territory - appearing in the four types of cultural landscape established by the National Cultural Landscape Plan - which would indicate a high influence on the popular imaginary and therefore its belonging to the cultural heritage of the territory under study. The future of this cultural landscape is currently in danger as a result of the actions being carried out at present and the appearance of the black agave weevil. The conservation of this cultural heritage should be established in accordance with the most current trends in landscape management, considering it from an integral perspective, favoring the creation of a new culture of the territory in which a landscape is not only perception, but also feelings. To support this vision, a citizen science portal has been established that aims to create awareness, in society and in the public administration, to promote the conservation of this rich cultural heritage.
Agaves,Natural heritage,Cultural heritage,Human ecology,Sociology
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