Exploring the Effectiveness of Augmented Reality in Enhancing Brand Engagement: A Study of Digital Marketing Strategies

Mohammad Khalaf Daoud, Derar Alqudah, Marzouq Al-qeed,Jassim Ahmad Al-Gasawneh


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This study examines the effectiveness of augmented reality (AR) in enhancing brand engagement as a digital marketing strategy. AR is a technology that overlays digital content onto the real world, allowing users to interact with virtual objects in a physical environment. The study uses a mixed-methods approach, including a literature review, case studies, and a survey of 500 participants to investigate the impact of AR on brand engagement. The findings indicate that AR can significantly enhance brand engagement, by providing an immersive and interactive experience for users. AR is particularly effective in increasing engagement with younger audiences and in the retail and entertainment industries. The study utilizes a survey of 500 participants to investigate the impact of augmented reality (AR) on brand engagement as a digital marketing strategy. The literature review examines previous research on AR and digital marketing strategies, brand engagement, and consumer behavior. This helps to establish a theoretical framework for the study and identify research gaps and areas for further investigation.The study found that augmented reality (AR) can significantly enhance brand engagement as a digital marketing strategy. Specifically, the result of the study has revealed that AR is a highly engaging digital marketing strategy that can significantly increase consumer engagement with a brand.
Augmented reality,brand engagement,digital marketing,marketing strategies
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