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Gendered Ecologies: Explaining Interprofessional and Gender Inequalities in Ontario Midwifery


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Although midwifery has been a self-regulating profession in Ontario, Canada for over 30 years, practitioners continue to face barriers and inequalities due to the intersection of professional and gender dynamics. To understand these dynamics better we develop a gendered ecologies approach, refining ecological theories of professions by drawing on research on gender and professions. We then apply this approach when analysing qualitative in-depth interviews with a sample of Ontario midwives about their work. We argue that a gendered ecological approach-by underscoring that gender and professional inequalities are reproduced at the micro, meso, and macro levels by gendered actors contesting (gendered) spaces as they pursue a variety of interests-illuminates midwives' struggles on the job and their continued subordination within the Ontario healthcare system.
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gendered ecologies,professions,interprofessional relationships,midwifery,gendered organizations,inequality
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