The Easy Design Handoff Plugin and a CI/CD Pipeline for Automated Design Handoff

Jordan S. Queiroz, Mateus V. L. Arbex,Thiago A. Falcão, Phillip M. Furtado,Fabrício L. Soares, Tafarel Brayan F. Souza, Barbara Annitza T. Silva, Erick C. Bezerra

2023 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON)(2023)

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For companies with interdisciplinary teams working on confidential projects, some restrictions and policies regarding information security may be raised. For example, the use of third-party clouds is a concern. This paper proposes a framework using a new open-source plugin, the Easy Design Handoff, for Adobe XD and GitHub Actions, aiming to achieve the following relevant contributions: An approach based on Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment pipelines that may be used as an alternative to built-in handoff features like Adobe XD without relying on third-party clouds, and a new open-source plugin for Adobe XD that adds the functionality to export the wireframes without using any kind of third-party cloud. This case study was a real project, and it was found that Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment pipelines can be used to do design handoff without relying on third-party clouds. The proposed framework and plugin raised the level of automation and standardization of the project without violating the company's security policy, and improved the collaboration between teams during software development.
Design Handoff,Adobe XD,Wireframe,CI/CD,GitHub Actions
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