
Optimizing the Performance of High Concentrator Photovoltaic Cells Using Factorial Design of Experiment

2024 4th International Conference on Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (SGRE)(2024)

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Converting sunlight into electricity via photovoltaics (PV) offers an eco-friendly approach for generating electrical power. High-concentration photovoltaic modules (HCPVM) boast exceptional efficiency among PV cell technologies. HCPVM uses concentrators to focus direct normal irradiance (DNI) onto a smaller, highly efficient area of multijunction solar cells, boosting overall efficiency. While elevating the solar concentration ratio (CR) can reduce system costs per unit power generation, it introduces the formidable challenge of managing cell temperature since elevated temperatures have the potential to cause system malfunctions and reduce overall efficiency. This study employs a quantitative approach, encompassing numerical simulation, factorial design of experiments, and optimization. The novelty of this study is to develop regression models for evaluating response parameters, considering both design and weather data factors. The response parameters encompass the output power, average cell temperature, and cell temperature uniformity, while the design factors include concentrator optical efficiency, backside heat transfer coefficient of the cooling system, CR, DNI, ambient temperature, and wind speed. Following validation, the response parameters are generated through simulation, significant factors and interactions are identified, and finally an optimization process is undertaken to determine the best input factor values for optimizing desired responses. The results show that the DNI, and CR are the most significant parameters influencing the generated power, cell temperature and cell temperature uniformity. On the other hand, the influence of wind speed among all factors is found to be negligible for the three responses. The optimization reveals that the maximum power obtained is 31.43 W, while the minimum values for the temperature uniformity and average cell temperature are $9.241^{\circ}\mathrm{C}$ and $79.76^{\circ}\mathrm{C}$, respectively, for a single cell with area of 1 cm$^{2}$.
Photovoltaic,Factorial design of experiment,High-Concentration Photovoltaic
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