Design and electrical modelling of a depletion-mode P-type triple-field-plated AlGaN/GaN on SiC HEMT with 2.45 kV breakdown voltage

Soumak Nandi,Shashank Kumar Dubey, Mukesh Kumar,Aminul Islam

Microsystem Technologies(2024)

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In this work, we propose a novel triple field-plated high-electron-mobility-transistor (HEMT) for high power applications, achieving a breakdown voltage of 2449 V. Unique structural topology, layer selection and material selection allow us to achieve the acclaimed breakdown voltage, superseding existing devices. The structure is such that fabrication techniques required to synthesize the proposed device are simple, relative to recently proposed high-power HEMTs with comparable breakdown voltage. A model estimating electric flux, conduction current and potential distribution within the proposed device has been put forward using the 2D Laplace/Poisson field distribution system. The proposed 2D models exhibit less than 1% deviation from the simulated electric flux and conduction current maps. These proposed models can potentially aid in estimating the breakdown voltage, device current, electric field and electric potential of a HEMT device from its structural characteristics and biasing alone without the need for resource-intensive simulation work.
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