
Nationwide status of progestogen treatment to prevent spontaneous preterm birth: A questionnaire survey for childbirth healthcare facilities in Japan.

The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research(2024)

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AIM:This study aimed to investigate the current status of progestogen treatment for pregnant women at a high risk for preterm birth (PTB) in childbirth healthcare facilities in Japan. METHODS:A web-based nationwide questionnaire survey regarding progestogen use for prevention of PTB was conducted among childbirth healthcare facilities from 2019 to 2021. RESULTS:Valid responses were obtained from 528 facilities (25.2% of those surveyed), including 155 tertiary perinatal facilities (making up 92.3% of all tertiary perinatal care facilities). In the survey period, progestogen treatment was implemented in 207 facilities (39.2%) for PTB prevention. Regarding types of progestogens, 17α-hydroxyprogesterone caproate was used in 170 facilities (82.1%), with a low dose (125 mg/week) administered in 62.9% of the facilities to comply with the regulations of the national health insurance system, although 250 mg/week is considered the best dose. Vaginal progesterone was used in 36 facilities (17.4%), although the cost of vaginal progesterone was not covered by health insurance. Of the facilities not administering progestogen treatment, approximately 40% expressed that vaginal progesterone would be their first choice for PTB prevention in daily practice if it would be covered by health insurance in the future. CONCLUSIONS:Due to the current regulations of the Japanese health insurance system, 17α-hydroxyprogesterone caproate, rather than vaginal progesterone, was mainly used for PTB prevention. Despite global evidence supporting vaginal progesterone as the approach with the highest efficacy, only a limited number of facilities have utilized it due to the current drug use regulations in Japan.
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