
The Development and Potential Applications of an Automated Method for Detecting and Classifying Continuous Glucose Monitoring Patterns.

Journal of diabetes science and technology(2024)

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INTRODUCTION:Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) is emerging as a transformative tool for helping people with diabetes self-manage their glucose and supporting clinicians in effective treatment. Unfortunately, many CGM users, and clinicians, find interpreting the large volume of CGM data to be overwhelming and complex. To address this challenge, an efficient, intelligent method for detecting and classifying discernable patterns in CGM data was desired.METHODS:We developed an automated artificial intelligence (AI)-driven method to detect and classify different discernable CGM patterns which called "CGM events." We trained different models using 60 days of CGM data from 27 individuals with diabetes from a publicly available data set and then evaluated model performance using separate test data from the same group. Each event is classified according to clinical significance based on three parameters: (1) glucose category at or near the beginning of the CGM event; (2) a calculated severity score that encompasses both signal shape and temporal characteristics (e.g., how high the CGM curve goes (measured in mg/dL) and how long it stays above target (as established by published consensus guidelines); and (3) the glucose category at or near the end of the event.RESULTS:The system accurately detected and classified events from actual CGM data. This was also validated with expert diabetes clinicians.CONCLUSIONS:Advanced pattern recognition methods can be used to detect and classify CGM events of interest and may be used to provide actionable insights and self-management support to CGM users and decision support to the clinicians caring for them.
artificial intelligence,continuous glucose monitoring,diabetes,digital health,machine learning,pattern/event detection,classification
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