Spin dynamics and dark particle in a weak-coupled quantum Ising ladder with 𝒟_8^(1) spectrum

Yunjing Gao,Xiao Wang,Ning Xi, Yunfeng Jiang,Rong Yu,Jianda Wu


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Emergent Ising_h^2 integrability is anticipated in a quantum Ising ladder composed of two weakly coupled, critical transverse field Ising chains. This integrable system is remarkable for including eight types of massive relativistic particles, with their scattering matrix and spectrum characterized by the 𝒟_8^(1) Lie algebra. In this article we delve into the zero-temperature spin dynamics of this integrable quantum Ising ladder. By computing the dynamical structure factors from analytical form factor approach, we clearly identify dispersive single-particle excitations of (anti-) soliton and breathers as well as their multi-particle continua in the spin dynamical spectrum. We show that the selection rule to the form factor, which is inherent in the intrinsic charge-parity 𝒞 of the Ising_h^2 particles as well as the local spin operators, causes a significant result that 𝒞-odd particles, termed as dark particles, cannot be directly excited from the ground state through any local or quasi-local operations. Furthermore, the lightest dark particle is proposed to be generated and controlled through resonant absorption-resonant emission processes. The long lifetime of dark particle suggests its potential as a stable qubit for advancing quantum information technology.
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