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Numerical analysis of Williamson nanofluid over lubricated surface due to microorganism with thermal radiation

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry(2024)

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Contemporary bearings utilize lubricants containing polymers with higher molecular weights to facilitate faster speeds and handle heavier loads. The concept of lubricated surface refers to the necessary to initiate a specific chemical process. The notion of this energy was initially introduced by Arrhenius in 1889 and subsequently applied in several fields such as the oil reservoir industry, water emulsion, geothermal energy, chemical engineering, and food processing. Researchers are looking into the bioconvection of a Williamson nanofluid comprising moving gyrotactic microorganisms over a lubricant sheet that is being stretched. By adding microorganisms and nanoparticles to the Williamson base fluid, bioconvection will support to stabilize the nanoparticle suspension. After using similarity transformation, the basic equations that govern the system are answered numerically. The results are compared with study papers that have already been written in some limited situations. We look at how bioconvection and other important physical factors affect the speed and temperature of nanofluid, as well as the quantity and density of microorganisms that can move. The results are shown in graphs and tables. The results show that adding nanoparticles to Williamson nanofluid lowers the nanoparticles’ concentration, which is related to Schmidt number and chemical reaction. Bioconvection Schmidt and Peclet numbers make it so that there are fewer bacteria that can move around. The thermal transference rate tends to decrease with higher values of the Brownian motion factor, thermal radiation parameter, and slip parameter. Conversely, the mass transfer rate accelerates with an increase in the chemical reaction parameter and a decrease in the thermophoresis parameter.
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Nanofluid,Williamson fluid,Microorganism,Thermal radiative flow,Lubricated surface
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