[Maternal mortality due to hypertensive disorders in France, 2016-2018].

Michel Dreyfus,Agnès Rigouzzo,Marie Jonard, le Comité National d’Experts sur la Mortalité Maternelle CNEMM

Gynecologie, obstetrique, fertilite & senologie(2024)

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Between 2016 and 2018, 13 maternal deaths were due to hypertensive disorders. During this period, the maternal mortality ratio was 0.6/100 000 live births. Hypertensive disorders were responsible for 4.8% of maternal deaths during the first year, 5.1% up to 42 days postpartum and for 13.5% of direct maternal mortality. Maternal deaths due to hypertensive disorders increased close to signification (p=0.09) compared to the last triennium (MMR=0.2/100.000). Classification of the hypertensive disorders was: 5 severe preeclampsia, 3 eclampsia, 4 HELLP syndromes et 1 undefined hypertension. In five cases, a stroke was associated. Mode of delivery was a cesarean section when the hypertensive disorder started before the labour (8/13, 62%). Six women were older than 35years old and 5/12 were nulliparous. Among the 12 cases where place of birth was known, 5 were born foreigners. BMI was over 30 for 46%. Medical care were estimated non optimal in 11/13 of the cases. Among these deaths, 66% (8/12) seemed to be preventable versus 82% for the last period 2013-2015. The main causal factor of suboptimal management was inappropriate management by the obstetrical or anesthetist/intensive care squads, respectively: 3 lack of diagnosis, 8 delays for diagnosis and 5 underestimated severity. Four cases corresponded to inappropriate health care organization. This study offers the opportunity to stress major points to optimize medical management and health care organization facing hypertensive disorders during pregnancy.
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