[Indications and surgical strategy for bowel resection in mesenteric ischemia : Resection margins considering current guidelines and literature as well as the influence of new technical possibilities].

Chirurgie (Heidelberg, Germany)(2024)

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Acute mesenteric ischemia (AMI) is still a time-critical and life-threatening clinical picture. If exploration of the abdominal cavity is necessary during treatment, an intraoperative assessment of which segments of the intestines have a sufficient potential for recovery must be made. These decisions are mostly based on purely clinical parameters, which are subject to high level of uncertainty. This review article provides an overview of how this decision-making process and the determination of resection margins can be improved using technical aids, such as laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF), indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence angiography or hyperspectral imaging (HSI). Furthermore, this article compiles guideline recommendations on the role of laparoscopy and the value of a planned second-look laparotomy. In addition, an overview of strategies for preventing short bowel syndrome is given and other aspects, such as the timing and technical aspects of placement of a preternatural anus and an anastomosis are highlighted.
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