
Skarn alteration and Fe-Zn-Pb mineralization at the Wondong deposit in the Taebaeksan Basin, South Korea

Geosciences Journal(2024)

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Skarn and Fe-Zn-Pb mineralization at the Wondong deposit located in the Taebaeksan Basin of the central-eastern region of Korean Peninsula occurs along the contact between the Upper Cretaceous quartz-feldspar porphyry (QFP) and carbonate rocks of the Ordovician Makgol Formation. The QFP is relatively fresh and has a sharp contact with the garnet skarn. Skarn is dominant in the carbonate rocks but is rare in the QFP. It consists almost of grandite throughout the skarn but has mineralogical zonation of proximal garnet, intermediate pyroxene, and distal wollastonite with increasing distance from the contact between the QFP and garnet skarn. Garnet becomes Fe-rich, and pyroxene tends to be enriched in Fe and Mn toward the marble front. Massive Fe mineralization, replacing garnet skarn, is restricted proximal to the QFP. In contrast, although the Zn-Pb mineralization is found in all areas it mostly occurs in the carbonate rocks beyond the skarn. Zinc-Pb mineralization occurred as stockwork and vein in the QFP and the garnet skarn consists of sphalerite, galena, Al-rich garnet, and calcite with a minor quantity of arsenopyrite. In contrast, the carbonate replacement of the Zn-Pb mineralization beyond skarn consists of sphalerite, pyrrhotite, galena, diopsidic pyroxene, and calcite with minor minerals such as arsenopyrite, löellingite, and chalcopyrite. Sphalerite, principal ore mineral, becomes darker and Fe- (up to 34.4 mol
Wondong deposit,skarn,Fe-Zn-Pb mineralization,mineral chemistry,sulfur isotope
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