Reconfiguration of Uganda’s HV and associated MV network to manage fault levels attached to accelerated power generation

George William Sendifa,Milton Edimu,Jonathan Serugunda, Angela Achirochan Orwotho

2023 International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering (ICECCE)(2023)

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The rapid expansion of power generation in Uganda signals economic growth but presents challenges in high-voltage (HV) and medium-voltage (MV) networks due to increased fault levels. This study analyzes fault levels in Uganda’s transmission network, emphasizing the correlation between increased power generation and its direct impact on network fault levels. To address these problems, the proposed reconfiguration of the HV network is proposed. Findings reveal a substantial increase in fault levels across various network buses, particularly at Lira and Opuyo, with fault currents rising by a range of 40% to 250%. Lira experiences an increase from 0.8 kA to 27 kA, and Opuyo from 1.03 kA to 30.7 kA. Buses like Nalubaale/Kira and UETCL Iganga approach the recommended fault level threshold of 80%. To ensure the reliability of the network, it is recommended to upgrade capacity and improve equipment at key substations. A detailed cost-benefit analysis shows the possibility of annual savings of up to USD 390 million if the proposed network changes and improvements are addressed.
capacity upgrades,energy not served,fault levels,power generation,transmission network
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