Learning to Deblur Polarized Images

Chu Zhou,Minggui Teng, Xinyu Zhou,Chao Xu, Boxin Sh


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A polarization camera can capture four polarized images with different polarizer angles in a single shot, which is useful in polarization-based vision applications since the degree of polarization (DoP) and the angle of polarization (AoP) can be directly computed from the captured polarized images. However, since the on-chip micro-polarizers block part of the light so that the sensor often requires a longer exposure time, the captured polarized images are prone to motion blur caused by camera shakes, leading to noticeable degradation in the computed DoP and AoP. Deblurring methods for conventional images often show degenerated performance when handling the polarized images since they only focus on deblurring without considering the polarization constrains. In this paper, we propose a polarized image deblurring pipeline to solve the problem in a polarization-aware manner by adopting a divide-and-conquer strategy to explicitly decompose the problem into two less ill-posed sub-problems, and design a two-stage neural network to handle the two sub-problems respectively. Experimental results show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on both synthetic and real-world images, and can improve the performance of polarization-based vision applications such as image dehazing and reflection removal.
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