Concise RingCT Protocol Based on Linkable Threshold Ring Signature

IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing(2024)

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Ring Confidential Transactions (RingCT) is a typical privacy-preserving protocol for blockchain, which is used for the most popular anonymous cryptocurrency Monero in recent years. RingCT provides the user's identity anonymity based on the linkable ring signature. At the cost of that, the transaction size is increased linearly to the involved users. In this article, we aim to overcome this inefficient aspect of RingCT by introducing the linkable threshold ring signature (LTRS). We first propose a construction of threshold ring signatures for homomorphic cryptosystems, and present an efficient instantiation based on the intractability assumption of the discrete logarithm problem. Based on this framework, an efficient LTRS scheme and a novel construction of the RingCT protocol are presented. Our proposed RingCT protocol enables multiple payers to co-construct an anonymous transaction without revealing their secret account keys, and it is more concise under multiple input accounts. For a transaction with a ring size of 100 and the input accounts number of 64, the communication overhead is about 4% of the original RingCT protocol.
ring signature,linkable threshold ring signature,anonymity,RingCT,blockchain,cryptocurrency
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