On Learning Generalized Wireless MAC Communication Protocols via a Feasible Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Framework

IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking(2024)

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Automatically learning medium access control (MAC) communication protocols via multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has received huge attention to cater to the extremely diverse real-world scenarios expected in 6G wireless networks. Several state-of-the-art solutions adopt the centralized training with decentralized execution (CTDE) learning method, where agents learn optimal MAC protocols by exploiting the information exchanged with a central unit. Despite the promising results achieved in these works, two notable challenges are neglected. First, these works were designed to be trained in computer simulations assuming an omniscient environment and neglecting communication overhead issues, thus making the implementation impractical in real-world scenarios. Second, the learned protocols fail to generalize outside of the scenario they were trained on. In this paper, we propose a new feasible learning framework that enables practical implementations of training procedures, thus allowing learned MAC protocols to be tailor-made for the scenario where they will be executed. Moreover, to address the second challenge, we leverage the concept of state abstraction and imbue it into the MARL framework for better generalization. As a result, the policies are learned in an abstracted observation space that contains only useful information extracted from the original high-dimensional and redundant observation space. Simulation results show that our feasible learning framework exhibits performance comparable to that of the infeasible solutions. In addition, the learning frameworks adopting observation abstraction offer better generalization capabilities, in terms of the number of UEs, number of data packets to transmit, and channel conditions.
6G,multi-agent reinforcement learning,abstraction,generalization,feasibility,protocol learning
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