A Warped-Fast-Fourier-Transform-Based Ranging Method for Proximity Fuze

Tao Yang, Xinyu Zhang,Tong Wang,Wenfang Sun, Chunxia Cheng

IEEE Sensors Journal(2024)

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The real-time performance and precision requirements posed by the ranging method for proximity fuze determines the effect and hit accuracy of the explosive device on which it is mounted. This further demands not only high spectrum resolution near the burst point for the fuze, but also the ability to monitor the spectrum of the entire observation area. This paper proposes a ranging method for proximity fuze based on warped fast Fourier transform (WFFT). By selecting appropriate all-pass warping factors, our proposed method can improve the spectrum precision within a specific spectrum region observed without increasing signal processing points. By fitting non-uniform filter banks, the diffused energy of target object in high-frequency region is accumulated, which can be regarded as improving the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in high-frequency region, high-frequency information can be accurately captured, thereby facilitating real-time ranging of proximity fuze with higher precision. The experimental results have verified the feasibility and effectiveness of our proposed method in practical proximity fuze ranging.
Warped fast Fourier transform (WFFT),nonuniform filter bank,proximity fuze ranging,spectrum precision,signal processing
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