Investigating the influence of lean manufacturing approach on environmental performance: A systematic literature review

Matteo Ferrazzi, Stefano Frecassetti, Alessia Bilancia,Alberto Portioli-Staudacher

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology(2024)

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The growing emphasis on environmental sustainability has drawn considerable attention from both academia and industry practitioners. Factors such as escalating energy costs, heightened environmental degradation, and a burgeoning market demand for eco-friendly practices have compelled businesses to reassess their strategies through a green lens. Given that Lean principles are rooted in optimising operations to minimise waste across design and production processes, their synergy with the green paradigm is evident. However, despite the intuitive connection between Lean methodologies and environmental sustainability, the scholarly exploration of their impact remains largely underdeveloped. This research seeks to bridge this gap by conducting a comprehensive systematic literature review to dissect the current understanding of Lean manufacturing practices and their influence on environmental sustainability performance. The selected papers were meticulously screened and grouped into three clusters using the PRISMA diagram methodology. The primary objective was to discern the tangible effects of Lean practices on eco-efficiency performance and explore integrating Lean manufacturing principles with broader sustainable manufacturing approaches. A structured matrix was created to categorise and visualise the identified impacts gleaned from the initial articles. Nevertheless, the review revealed significant gaps in understanding, particularly regarding the factors that shape the efficacy of Lean manufacturing tools in enhancing eco-efficiency performance. The findings underscore the need for further research to unravel these complexities and delineate the mechanisms through which Lean practices contribute to environmental sustainability. Several avenues for future research have been delineated, focusing on how Lean manufacturing practices can be leveraged to support eco-efficiency performance effectively. While the preliminary findings shed light on the promising intersection between Lean principles and environmental sustainability, they also underscore the imperative for continued scholarly inquiry to unlock the full potential of Lean methodologies in fostering a greener industrial landscape.
Sustainability,Eco-efficiency,Lean practices
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