Stabilized four-electron aqueous zinc-iodine batteries by quaternary ammonium complexation


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Four-electron aqueous zinc-iodine batteries (4eZIBs) leveraging the I-/I0/I+ redox couple have garnered attention for their potential high voltage, capacity, and energy density. However, the electrophilic I+ species is highly susceptible to hydrolysis due to the nucleophilic attack by water. Previous endeavors to develop 4eZIBs primarily relied on highly concentrated aqueous electrolytes to mitigate the hydrolysis issue, nonetheless, it introduced challenges associated with dissolution, high electrolyte viscosity, and sluggish electrode kinetics. In this work, we present a novel complexation strategy that capitalizes on quaternary ammonium salts to form solidified compounds with I+ species, rendering them impervious to solubilization and hydrolysis in aqueous environments. The robust interaction in this complexation chemistry facilitates a highly reversible I-/I0/I+ redox process, significantly improving reaction kinetics within a conventional ZnSO4 aqueous electrolyte. The proposed 4eZIB exhibits a superior rate capability and an extended lifespan of up to 2000 cycles. This complexation chemistry offers a promising pathway for the development of advanced 4eZIBs. The complexation between quaternary ammonium salts and I+ species results in a solid compound that neither solubilizes nor hydrolyzes in a dilute ZnSO4 aqueous electrolyte, paving the way for the creation of four-electron Zn-I2 aqueous batteries.
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