
Biogenic Carbon Nanostructured Materials for Detection of Cancer and Medical Applications: A Mini Review

Hybrid Advances(2024)

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In this new era, the cutting-edge progress of numerous technologies for modern and better lifestyles as well as a wide range of aquatic and global habitats by increasing anthropogenic activities is directly responsible for contaminated potable water and edible things, which are hazardous to living entities. In recent decades, there has been a lot of interest in several research groups for biomass as a renewable energy source or biogenic carbon-based devices for medical applications. Biomass such as wheat straw ash (WSA), rice husk ash (RHA), sugarcane bagasse ash (SBA), coconut peal ash (CPA), sunflower husk ash (SHA), peanut peel ash (PPA), walnut peel ash (WPA) and waste coffee beans contain an enormous quantity of carbon, and the biomass ashes can be utilized for generating high-quality carbon-based nanomaterials such as graphene (Gr), graphene oxide (GO) and CNTs that has excellent purity from combustion by-products as well the total process is practically environmentally beneficial in terms of CO2 emissions and global warming. The unique properties of carbon-based nanostructures play a vital role in enhancing the performance of the devices and detection tools in cancer detection and its therapy to overcome the diseases. Thus, the significance of carbon and its allotropes is underlined, with a particular emphasis on the role of biogenic carbon nanostructured in the healthcare and medical products as high-surface-area adsorbents, mechanically stable devices, and tailored instinctive micro-based devices that can assist in avoiding health problem. This review summarizes numerous affordable, modern, sophisticated medical applications by using high-valued biogenic nanostructured materials, particularly for the production of CNTs, which are used to make biomarkers, biosensors, for bio-imaging, gene and drug delivery systems, and detection for the initial stage of cancer and its treatment.
Biomass,Carbon-based nanomaterials,Cancer,Sensors,Biomedical applications
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