
Dynamic Topology Optimization of 3D-Printed Transtibial Orthopedic Implant Using Tunable Isotropic Porous Metamaterials

Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials/Journal of mechanical behavior of biomedical materials(2024)

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In this paper, we introduce the design and manufacturing process of a transtibial orthopedic implant. We used medical-grade polyurethane polymer resin to fabricate a 3D porous architected implant with tunable isotropy, employing a high-speed printing method known as Continuous Liquid Interface Production (CLIP). Our objective is to enhance the weight-bearing capabilities of the bone structures in the residual limb, thereby circumventing the traditional reliance on a natural bridge. To achieve a custom-made design, we acquire the topology and morphology of the residual limb as well as the bone structure of the tibia and fibula, utilizing computed tomography (CT) and high-resolution 3D scanning. We employed a dynamic topological optimization method, informed by gait cycle data, to effectively reduce the mass of the implant. This approach, which differs from conventional static methods, enables the quantification of variations in applied forces over time. Using the Euler-Lagrange energy approach, we propose the equations of motion for a homologous multibody model with three degrees of freedom. The versatility of the Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization (SIMP) method facilitates the integration of homogenization methods for microscale porous architectures into the optimized domain. The design of these porous architectures is based on a bias-driven tuning symmetry isotropy of a Triply Periodic Minimal Surface (Schwarz Primitive surface). The internal porosity of the structure significantly reduces weight without compromising the isotropic behavior of the implant.
Orthopedic implant,Topology optimization,Transtibial,Additive manufacturing,Gait cycle,Biomechanical design,Continuous liquid interface production,3D printing
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